Monday, October 16, 2006

Sunrise on a Mountain-top

Well, the first weekend that we got into our apartment on the school campus, some students from one of my best classes, Class 118, took me to see the sunrise in the mountains near Lanshan. We left school at 6am and walked for about 1 hour along little paths and hilltops to reach one of the highest peaks in easy walking range. Now we're not talking snowy-topped here, but green, green, green. It was beautiful.

The kids are just great too. They are the top class in their grade (senior 2 - about 15-16 years old) and it shows. Teaching them is tough cosa they know a lot already! I feel like I can talk to them on my own level though, which counts for a hell of a lot when at the other end of the scale I have classes who can't even string a sentence together. They just shout random words at me. Its foreign language tourettes.

And this is all just an hour's walk from Lanshan. Unbelieveable. Every time I start to get frustrated at being in such a small place where simple things like deodorant are not available and there are no bars, I remind myself of this day and feel lucky to be out here in the country.

As I said before, the kids are great, when we came down from the mountain they had already missed their first class (school begins at 8.05am) but still we went and had breakfast together at a roadside dumpling place. Very, very cool. Then, it being the weekend, I went back to bed!

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